Finally it's like 'real summer' at our place! The temperature is perfect and the best of all is: 2 weeks of holiday! Unforunatly we recently started to renew our terrace - well the good part is I have an awesome set for my photos - but so I can't have my friends over in the summer nights as I'm used to.
I wore this outfit for dancing rehersal yesterday (dancing in different shoes) and I had to experience that the shorts in comination with the top is quite too reckless for our slightly stuffy town...
love the outfit! :)
Thanks so much <3
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AntwortenLöschenLässiger look :)
AntwortenLöschenPasst gut!
LG Mona
du hübsche!
AntwortenLöschenmay be we can follow each other? Just let me know and I'll surely return the favor!
thanx! I'm your new follower;)
AntwortenLöscheneveryone is talking about summer on blogger.. and i'm freesing here! Not fair!!! hahahah